Locations Revelation Prophecy given to Leisa Ebere 24/03/20
I heard the Lord say: 'Vatican City has fallen, and 22 nations shall follow suit in the coming months, for the gods of Bashan are coming down, and My Name shall be lifted high, as rain from the windows of heaven comes down.' 'For peals of fire and a great shaking has been released for the betterment of mankind.' Then I saw a great white bird screeching, as it flew through the sky. and it sliced through the sky and then the earth, and I saw glimpses of a great battle happening in the spirt realm, which mirrored on the Earth, and I saw an angel standing in a golden ephod writing on a large scroll and it said 'Arneg Italia'. And then the angel pointed to various global locations this company operates in throughout the earth. I waited because I was not sure what the Angel was showing me, but then I saw the Angel step forwards and gently touch my forehead, and I heard within My Spirit, the countries marked for judgement are among those where this company dwells globally, but they shall arise with a new mandate, as will this company for The Lord has created them both for His purposes. Selah!
More Revelations: March-April 2020
11. I have seen that lukewarm Christians will be chastened for five months through COVD-19, but that God will pluck them from suffering when there hearts soften. 30/03/20
12. I was shown that the automobile manufacturers would experience financial loss and certain manufacturing plants would close as a result of COVD-19. 30/03/20
13,.Wolverhampton, a Midlands City in the UK, has people living in unclean lifestyles, and human and drug trafficking and has open doors to the enemy. New Cross Hospital (800 beds) is marked for judgement with high death tolls, as a result, we need to pray.
14. New Hampshire & Pennsylvania in the US need our prayers, as God has directed their actions in trying to halt abortions and human trafficking has been pleasing to Him.
15. God has shown that the amount of
Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Arts Centres in London, Madrid, Rome and other cities has embedded Idolatry of Buddha into peoples' minds and has defiled many children of the next generation through meditation and introducing the demonic claw and poison hand and meditation teachings of Zen.
16. The Lord has urged me to pray for Uzbekistan, as there are 10,000 converted Christians there under duress.
17. The Lord has shown me that we , must pray for Marietta, Georgia, as it is the 'eye of the storm' for COVD-19, due to six mega churches there, that are in sin and compromise. This is 20 miles from Atlanta.
18. The Lord instructed us to pray for four regions close to the Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Quebec, Ontario, Nurnivat, as they would be hit heavily by COVID-19.
19. I saw a Black Swan with a Broken Wing, and the Lord showed me that there was a demonic assignment of torment & death re: COVD-19, across the nations of the Earth, from Revelation 9 (A Locust with a human face), which we have been praying to block, and that the first wing was now broken. And that the 2nd wing is a demonic assignment, where the assignment is trying to cause COVD-19 to mutate into a Superbug, we will continue to pray.
20. I saw prophetically that there are researchers from Queensland , Australia, who are on the right track in working towards a vaccine, we need to continue to pray for them.
21. We received confirmation from a prophetic hub member about Hudson Bay, and the Lord has further revealed that a place called Victoria on an Island, is the Witch capital of Canada and that we must pray.
22. Both Arizona and also, East India are also places the Lord has revealed where the third eye and black arts witchcraft is being used to harm children. We must pray...
23. Three Global Leaders it has been revealed by the Lord.
23. The Lord has revealed that Portland, Oregan, Sacramento, California, Massachusetts, Canada have Satanist movements. We must pray...
24. The Lord has also revealed that COVD-19, is a Demonic Judgement allowed by God and is caused by a Phoenician Curse stemming back to Noah's grandson Canaan. This is due to the Incest Sin of Ham with his mother, (Genesis 9 & Leviticus 18) and due to the rebellion of his son Canaan, when he settled upon land in Lebanon, which was not his inheritance. China, Italy, and Spain are all descended from Ham along with immigrants in other countries presently under judgement. Even Boris Johnson, the British PM, who become very ill with COVD-19 and went into Intensive Care recently, is descended from a Circassian Slave descended from Ham. The Lord has instructed for us to pray for Boris Johnson, Louisiana, and the nations of: Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Western Jordan, and Western Syria, and specifically for the Misrahi Jews; and for the Zulu tribe in South Africa, who are all particularly vulnerable. Also, the Lord has revealed that Pope Francis, has a COVD-19 assignment against him, we must pray...
25. I had a vision regarding demonic gates over cities and animal totems (Ezekial 8) and we have been warring against these global rulers of darkness and powers in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
26. We have been praying and warring aginst a global three fold demonic confederacy, as mentioned in Revelation 16; The Dragon-Leviathan, The Beast-The Whore of Babylon, & the False Witness-Jezebel, as is mentioned in Revelation 16, and we are comnanding them to relinquish their grip from persecuting Jewish people and the nations of the Earth in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
27. The Lord Alerted Me to Pray About the Portugal Child Abuse Scandals & the Spirit of Molek over that country.
28. The Lord Revealed to a Prophetic Hub member about Kali, a Demonic Principality over India and for us, to cut off His Power through Intercession.
30. Hawaii-Rat Lungworm Disease-the Holy Spirit has revealed this another potential plague plot, that needs to be cut off in the name of Jesus.
31. The Lord has given us direction to specifically uproot Leviathan as He leads during our corporate prayers.
32. The Lord showed us to pray for Odisha, a state in East India, as it is a demonic stronghold of idolatry.
33. The Lord showed us to pray for Louisiana as it had been hit by tornados on Easter Sunday.
34. The Lord has shown me the name of the demonic prices of Kampala, Uganda-Corsious and New York City-Theocrat and we have been conducting spiritual warfare against them.
35. The Lord has exposed the Golden Dawn secret occult society which is a global centre for witchcraft in New Zealnand, We are praying for it to be uprooted.
36. The Lord has shown that we need to pray against Hindu idolatry which many medical premises have been dedicated to across the UK.
37. The Lord gave Revelation concerning Freemasonry stronghold in NYC causing huge blockage to turnaround of COVD-19
38. The Lord showed me in a vision that President Trump is under demonic attack and that the Oil and Gas Industry is being manipulated by the enemy and corrupt men. We must pray for the Leaders of Nations to make just decisions.
39. The Lord showed me to bring forth a Levitical edict to protect God's people, so that they do not go to beaches and swim in untreated fresh water and also, so that they are careful in their houses with untreated water. As this can be a carrier of COVD-19.
40. The Lord revealed that three prophetic symbols described in Daniel 7 are being exposed and eradicated through prayer 1. America is the Lion with Eagle wings clipped, and Prophets have been marginalised in that nation and the American Body of Christ has subscribed to a Spirit of Mammon (Greed) where large congreagations and Elite Prophets & Leaders are becoming very rich, Russia (the Bear) is a main power influence being manipulated by Leviathan, and has taken over the oil industry and has manipulated US elections. The 3rd symbol (the Leopard) is representative of Afghanistan/ Pakistan & Rwanda & Somalia-which is a Demonic Violence and Terror Power through Terrorist Groups ISIS, Bokoharam & Al-Shabaab.
41. A Warning was revealed by the Lord that the COVD-19 Lockdown in the UK most not be lifted-07-05-20
42. Seven Locations were revealed by the Lord as trouble spots where God is using our prayers to literally explode and wipe out the evil there:
1. New York-Freemasonry
2, Fayetteville, N.C,-Corruption
3. Manchester-Unclean Lifestyles & False Prophets.
4. Wirral/Merseyside-Child Rape & Murder
5. Calcuttam, India-The Birthplace of Idolatry.
6. Chicago, Illinois-Gun Crime
7. Ravenna, Italy-The Nigerian Mafia
43. The Lord showed me Cybercrime attacks in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We must pray!
44. The Lord showed me Global Cyber-terrorism and a 2nd COVD-19 spike would come in the near future; but that as He gathers His remnant in unity, that His Rainbow Covenant was being renewed.
Dear Torchlighters Friends and Family,
On 17 March 2020, the Lord gave me a mandate to raise up a sceptre of authority and to give revelations borne of His Spirit, each and every night on Facebook Live & Zoom, as we pray and war by the Spirit for the transformation, cleansing and very survival of the nations of the earth during this extreme COVD-19 Pandemic crisis, which sadly is taking so many lives, as it wreaks havoc wherever it goes. This has not been easy, as I have been pressing into the Lord and crying out to Him for Revelation concerning these happenings night after night, whilst working for the NHS during the day. Yet, God's grace is sufficient, and He has unearthed tremendous revelation during this powerful time. The Lord has asked me to come on every night releasing what He has given me, and to lead His prophetic intercessors in corporate global prayers; to help to bring down the evil that is currently upon the earth; and to help to bring about righteousness upon the land, and these are the revelations He has given me concerning COVD 19, so far:
That COVD-19 is a judgement allowed by God, due to Global Worldwide Human Trafficking, that hundreds of millions of people, especially women and children, are currently being victimised by.
That this is the beginning of the the blowing of the Seven Trumpets spoken of Revelation 8:2, which a fiery judgement that has been cast into the waters; and COVD-19 is carried by Beluga Whales, who are carrying this virus, as they habitate in the Arctic Ocean; and that this has been passed onto fish and bats into connecting inland rivers of China, and has contaminated mankind. In addition, 70 cruise ships have been docked as they have carried over 1000 contaminated victims, to destinations across the nations of the Earth, which has perpetuated worldwide contamination.
The Lord has said that the 'Blowing of the Seven Trumpets,' could last more than 80 years or more dependant upon His assigned timing, 'as no man knows the time or hour.' But that this particular judgement, COVD 19, will last no more than 18 months and can be shortened; if the People of God lift up prayers corporately and war in the spirit; and if mankind repents of this terrible evil and turn their hearts to the Lord.
This is a time of a great cleansing and awakening of the Body of Christ and the Nations of the Earth.
The Principalities and Powers that we are corporately praying and warring against are: Leviathan, Jezebel, the Whore of Babylon, and Marine Spirits, and these are the ones that have been positioned on demonic thrones in cities and nations around the earth; to cause sexual tyranny and abominations, perversion and oppression, and are the cause of this worldwide human trafficking issue. Mankind is accountable because they have tolerated this terrible evil in their cities and nations, and have done very little to stop it at all.
I had a vision and the Lord showed me through an angel standing in front of a scroll, a company called 'Arneg Italia.' And this was a reference to 22 nations that have been marked for Judgement, and their Judgements are flowing over to other surrounding nations. He did not show me that this company was directly involved in Human Trafficking, though they may be, but I believe as this company is in these 22 nations, that this is why it was used to give me clarity. These nations are: Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Sweden, Portugal, Russia, the UK, the United States, Peru, Argentina, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Kazakhstan, China, India, Serbia, Oceania, New Zealand, South Africa, and Norway.
Also, the Lord has shown me that we must pray concerning specific Human Trafficking access points, such as: Dublin Port to Holy Island, Zimbabwe, Romania, and the Refugee Camps, as well as, San Rafael in the San Francisco area, Kazakhstan & Syria.
The Lord has also given revelation that there will be food shortages, but that He will raise up a multi-national task force to assist many nations with new ways of food manufacturing and provision. Also, that three national leaders would be afflicted with COVD-19 illness, and this has happened to Prince Charles and Boris Johnson, and Mikhail Mishustin, the Russisan Prime Mnister.
He has also said He is designating specific places for heavenly portals in nations; as He will raise up places of 'Refreshing and Refuge' during this time of trials; and He is gathering His Prophets to speak specific words to bring about comfort and direction to help and assist the saints of God.
I have also seen that Father God said 'That the Vatican is falling due to Pope Francis blessing a Molech Idol, which has been placed at the very entrance of the Coliseum in Rome where Christians were once fed to the Lions, and their martyred voices cry out from the ground.' Revelation 6:9-11
People of God, more revelation is coming to me and I would ask that you join me on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:30 pm on Facebook Live please, as we cry out to the Lord and make powerful prayers and declarations to bring the strongholds of the enemy down; and so that God's glorious purpose of cleansing and awakening the nations of the earth is fulfilled, and that He will release His great mercy to the innocent and set the captives free during this significant time in history, as we position ourselves for a harvest of souls. May God preserve you and keep you.
Leisa Ebere
Torchlighters International MInistry