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Leading from the Back Prophecy given to Leisa Ebere. 05/12/19

The Lord spoke and said: 'There are many I have called to leadership, but they are now transposed and leading from the back, whilst untrained and blinded masses are led to the slaughter by the enemy.' 'It is not My Will, that My People be sifted like wheat.' 'Claim your birth rights bought by the precious blood of My Son and position yourselves in a place of Authority, and teach others My Ways, for this I have purchased for you through much pain and much sacrifice,' said the Lord. 'Murders and power struggles, and sexual deviance and pride, have injected brutality and uncleanness into nations, such as the UK and America,' declared the Lord. 'And so, these nations which are still destined for a totality of an immersion of My Spirit, have now reached an impasse which will require prophetic eyes and strong hearts to resolve.' 'I will not leave such nations paralysed by these evil influences,' said the Lord, 'but My requirement must be for you to break out of natural mindsets and to enter into My Courts.' 'Throw away all apathy and take action, My People, for surely I am bringing transformational change that will defy all logic.' 'For I am that I am,' said the Lord of Hosts, 'and My Will shall not be abolished, though it has been delayed for a time.'

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